The Owl’s Nest and The Raven’s Nest homes

Introducing the new Owl’s Nest and Raven’s Nest homes at Potomac! These have the same layout, but different textures. Each home rezzes in at only 94 land impact. Stop by Potomac to see them in person!

Merry Christmas Pallet Art now available

I’ve received so many requests for this item!  It’s now available separately from the Christmas at Ivy Lane home.  Original mesh.  Stop by Potomac to see it in person!  

All new Christmas at Ivy Lane Limited Edition home is here!

Introducing Christmas at Ivy Lane 2018 Limited Holiday Edition! Come home for the holidays in our new Christmas at Ivy Lane home, available only until January 1, 2019. This home comes with four bedrooms, an attic, two fireplaces, a texture change kitchen, and lots of holiday decor! Of course it comes with the rezzable snow roof and icicle lights, and windows that have rain/leaves/snow/clear options.

***** The house itself is 180 land impact, and 37 x 34 meters.*****

***** The rezzable holiday decor is 172 land impact if you use all of it, and sits on a modifiable mesh snow that is 50 x 50 meters. The snow roof and icicle lights will add 16 land impact.

Stop by Potomac to see it in person!

Here are a few photos:


New Halloween Fireplace and Cozy Blankets!


Stop by Potomac to see them in person!

Re-release of Skully in the Tree, and the Night Owl Tree


Skully in the tree and the Night Owl Tree were special release items at an event last Halloween, and haven’t been available for purchase again until now!  Stop by Potomac and see them. 🙂

Skully’s Outhouse

New Skully at Potomac! It’s Skully’s Outhouse, and while he’s a little busy, you can interrupt him (how rude!) and watch him jump up and pull the door closed again. Stop by Potomac to visit him!


Dakota Bedroom Set


New Dakota Bedroom Set at Potomac!  Six different texture themes, and speed control animations on the Adult set.  Stop by Potomac to check it out!

2017 Winter Showcase

Available now until December 10th at the 2017 Winter Showcase for Team Diabetes!  The Tree Fort is a 100% donation item, all sales of the tree fort go to Team Diabetes of Second Life.  Click HERE to see them inworld!

The 2017 Limited Holiday Edition home is here!  Come see the Maple Cove Manor at Potomac.  Holiday décor is included with the Limited Edition home, which is only available until December 31, 2017.

New Patio Table Set with Gazebo

All new Patio Table Set with Gazebo is available at Potomac! The table and chairs are original mesh, comes with singles and couples cuddle animations. Come check it out! It comes in a handy rezzer so it’s super easy to set up. Gazebo is not linked so you can use this patio set on your deck, and use the gazebo elsewhere if you choose. Click HERE to teleport to Potomac.